Our long national Trudeau nightmare is almost over PM reportedly considering his options before Parliament reconvenes In 1974, the...
Canadian Opinion
Drug addicts don’t have a right to fill parks with needles and faeces Common sense judge defends City of...
When Potatoes Become a Luxury: Canada’s Grocery Gouging Can’t Continue I don’t want to live in a country where...
Former Liberal MP says Trudeau destroyed Liberal party brand A former Liberal MP says that Justin Trudeau has destroyed...
Canadians ready to move on as Trudeau clings to power Vast majority of Canadians want Trudeau gone, but he’s...
Poilievre’s plan to ‘defund’ woke antisemitism can’t come soon enough The Conservative leader will bring the common sense and...
Poilievre’s very normal take on males in female prisons Trudeau’s transgender prison policies an open net for the Conservatives...
The Muslim leaders who honourably stand up to antisemitism If they can proudly embrace religious pluralism, so can others...
Ottawa’s ‘leadership gap’ fuels growing violence, says Alberta deputy premier Mike Ellis says he is shoring up the Alberta...
Donald Trump exposes the lie behind Trudeau’s ‘postnational state’ The world is a mess, and Canada is too Could...
The Liberals have only one choice — an election Put their plan to the people, and let the people...
Toronto’s supervised injection sites are a failed experiment ” … just know I’m here for you babes.” In her...
Chrystia Freeland’s Closet The big news in Canada this week is the resignation of the country’s Deputy Prime Minister...
Freeland’s fiscal record is a disastrous one She’s being lauded as a hero but her fiscal track record is...
Justin Trudeau — it’s long past time to go Even a cabinet shuffle can’t save Trudeau. If it wants...
What, other than ego, makes Trudeau think he can win? More than a year of polling has shown the...
Assisted suicide — Canada’s latest solution to loneliness Open-ended, judge-determined criteria for euthanasia takes us to icky places Your...
Time’s up for Trudeau’s thin policy gruel His entire policy record has been a green terror Once again, a...
Until Trudeau’s future is resolved, nothing else matters The cabinet shuffle and Singh’s sudden spine are interesting but don’t...
Trudeau is the furthest thing from a feminist Women’s progress is under attack everywhere — and it is because...
Trudeau’s legacy is one of chaos and disaster This government is in the final stages of a death spiral...
Two million people are expected to leave the country in Canada’s immigration reset. What if they don’t? Economists and...
Canada’s worst ever finance minister — Justin Trudeau It doesn’t matter who the actual minister is, the prime minister...
Poilievre vows Canada will never be the 51st American state In an exclusive interview, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says...
Liberal MPs urging Justin Trudeau to quit hits 16 with Wayne Long, who first told him to go, pushing...
U.S. plaudits pour in for Poilievre as Trudeau clings to power Americans don’t really want Canada to become the...
Trudeau gifting Poilievre with an epic mess to clean up When it comes to natural resources, the treasury has...
Don’t worry Canada, Trudeau’s not going anywhere The worst is yet to come He. Is. Not. Going. Anywhere! Are...
Thousands of Toronto residents are eligible for old age security but not getting it. Here’s why A study found...
Feds have no idea how spending target was missed by $20B It’s not exactly as if the Liberal government’s...