February 6, 2025
Trump has changed the Republican Party and the country. The biggest change comes from the existence of a positive message, the greatness agenda. He has articulated a vision of America’s future that is strong, prosperous, focused on excellence, and that rejects the self-flagellation and anti-morality peddled by the left.

Trump Is off to a Great Start

Trump’s bold actions on immigration, DEI, and fairness signal a high-energy, focused vision for America’s future, turning the tide and putting conservatives back on offense

Like most Trump supporters, I consider his first term a mixed bag, with the capstone being the rigged election of 2020. This was not all his fault, obviously, but there were failures of execution along the way. Things were often disorganized; disloyal people were put in positions of power, while quality outsiders were not invited into the fold. Trump faced relentless opposition from the Democrats within the Deep State and had to have eyes on the back of his head because of turncoat Republicans like Paul Ryan.

As I wrote in an earlier piece, “Trump’s presidency will have little permanent effect if he does not devote himself to the task of reform. The first order of business . . . will be to take full charge of the bureaucracy.”

He seems to have taken the criticism to heart that he was great on the big picture but poor in execution. This time around, everything is different. The last week has been a whirlwind of activity, including many executive orders, each one more impressive and revolutionary than the last.

This has been a week of wins, and Trump’s policy focus and high energy are good omens for future success.

Trump Takes on the Border Disaster

One of his more visible achievements has been executive action to halt the immigration crisis after Joe Biden’s disastrous policies allowed millions of unvetted and unskilled immigrants into our country. On day one, Trump shut down the ridiculous app that allowed otherwise illegal aliens to make an appointment to obtain long-term parole, during which they will wait years for hearings on fraudulent asylum claims.

There have also been high-visibility workplace raids. ICE says it is now working seven days a week, and the military is already getting involved in shoring up the border.

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