February 6, 2025
Pope Francis might be supporting illegal immigration just because he’s woke and socialist, but in the case of American bishops, there is a financial reason behind it. Too many American bishops and organizations have taken their 30 pieces of silver from the Democrat party in exchange for fueling the border crisis. Some Catholic NGOs and dioceses have received, in all, billions of dollars from the government to process and house illegal aliens. My home diocese of Tucson is one of them.

Homan Calls Pope’s Bluff, Highlights HUGE Vatican Walls

After woke Pope Francis whined about the Trump administration’s deportations of illegal alien criminals, lifelong Catholic and new border czar Tom Homan searingly exposed the hypocrisy of a man who lives behind the famed Vatican walls.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and those who live behind massive medieval walls shouldn’t tear down other people’s fences. On Newsmax recently, Homan pulled no punches on the subject of illegal immigration, utterly rejecting the false claim that protecting a nation‘s sovereignty is against Catholic Church doctrine (actually, heads of state have a duty to protect their people and can of course restrict immigration — see Catechism of the Catholic Church 2241). And, as a fellow lifelong Catholic, I applaud Homan for not being bullied by dishonest clerics, either in the Vatican or at home.

Newsmax host Rob Schmitt told Homan, “The Pope this week said that it’s ‘a disgrace’, what we’re now doing with this new government, deporting all of these people … there’s going to be a lot of media searching for the sad stories here, trying to turn public opinion against this operation. What’s your message to the American people, as you guys do this work?”

Homan calmly stated, “Well, let me give a message to the pope. I’m a lifelong Catholic, born Catholic, I’ve been through Catholic doctrine. He [oughta] concentrate on fixing the Catholic Church. First of all, he’s got big problems there. And the Vatican, they have a wall around the Vatican.”

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