A Shockwave of Change in Just Six Days
Trump 2.0 storms into office, dismantling the old guard and unleashing a whirlwind of action aimed at reshaping America’s political landscape
It’s almost as if elections have consequences. Donald Trump hasn’t been in office for a full week yet, but already the mood of the entire country seems to have undergone a beneficent metanoia. Sure, there have been hundreds of executive orders on matters large and small. There were many pardons, for 1500 people who engaged in that self-guided tour of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and also for many others.
But it is more than that. In his first term, Trump endeavored to “drain the swamp” and counter the woke ideology that had infiltrated so many university campuses and government agencies. But Trump was a political greenhorn, surrounded by people who were not on board with his program. He said many of the right things. But in many cases when it came time to implement the policies he outlined, the message got lost or garbled in transmission.
This time, older, wiser, and now surrounded by better counselors, Trump is not fooling around. Within hours of taking office, bang! Trump suspended the security clearances of the 51 intelligence officers who had, for partisan reasons, signed a public letter announcing that Hunter Biden’s laptop bore “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” He lifted the security details assigned to former National Security Advisor and current anti-Trump fanatic John Bolton. Ditto the security detail for Anthony “Mr. Science” Fauci.
One of the hallmarks of Trump 2.0 is his attention to the importance of moving past words to deeds. On Tuesday of last week, he sent a memo to the heads of all government agencies, ordering them to shut down their DEI offices by 5 p.m. the next day. All DEI hires were to be placed on paid administrative leave “immediately.”
That’s not all. Aware that the order would spark panic among the sinecured bureaucrats in and around the DEI apparat, the memo went on to say, “We are aware of efforts by some in government to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language. If you are aware of a change in any contract description or personnel position description since November 5, 2024, to obscure the connection between the contract and DEIA or similar ideologies, please report all facts and circumstances.” And just in case that wasn’t enough, the memo included this warning: “There will be no adverse consequences for timely reporting” on efforts to disguise DEI programs. “However, failure to report this information within 10 days may result in adverse consequences.”