February 9, 2025
Over and over again Trudeau, as Canada’s divider-in-chief, has addressed such complex issues by creating a villain – the latest in a long line of them being Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, for defending the economy of her province, which is her job – and then attacking that villain, in Smith’s case by questioning her loyalty to Canada.

In Trudeau’s vision of himself, he was always the chosen one

The Prime Minister clearly sees himself as the guardian of the vision of the anointed in Canada

With the Trudeau government soon to become history, whatever happens in the next federal election, the most accurate portrayal of what it became comes from a 30-year-old book on the prevailing liberal political vision of our time – the vision of the anointed.

Written by the great American conservative thinker Thomas Sowell in 1995, The Vision of the Anointed, Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy, obviously isn’t about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his decade of Liberal government in Canada, but it describes it to a tee.

As Sowell writes, “the vision of the anointed is not simply a vision of the world and its functioning in a causal sense, but is also a vision of themselves and of their moral role in the world. It is a vision of differential rectitude” or righteousness.

“What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special status of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this are deemed to be not merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane.

“Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin … the benighted are to be made ‘aware,’ to have their ‘consciousness raised,’ and the wistful hope is held out that they will ‘grow.’ Should the benighted prove recalcitrant, however, then their ‘mean-spiritedness’ must be fought and the ‘real reasons’ behind their arguments and actions exposed.”

This is how Trudeau, who clearly sees himself as the chosen one and the guardian of the vision of the anointed in Canada, has operated on every major issue his government has dealt with from climate change, to the pandemic, to the trucker convoy, to gun control, to using the power of government to redistribute income, to Canada’s response to U.S President-elect Donald Trump’s looming tariff threat.

In Trudeau’s vision on each of these issues there is a morally correct position – his – and those who do not share it are not merely wrong but motivated by ill intentions.

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