February 9, 2025
The true lesson of Musk’s Damascene conversion to rape-gang awareness is not that everyone should get on X but that people should get off it. Tweet less, read more. Fewer memes, more conversations. That way, truth lies.

Elon Musk is neither our saviour nor our destroyer

Musk’s oligarchic fury with Britain sums up everything that’s wrong with internet outrage

He’s being called the world’s richest pub bore. The first-ever billionaire troll. The man who has everything but still wants more, primarily Keir Starmer’s head on a platter. It’s Elon Musk, who over the past week has taken a break from reaching for the stars to lounge about in the gutter of social-media chatter and invective. He’s gunning, with every tweet, for Starmer’s government, which he accuses of facilitating a ‘rape genocide’ in the UK. Britain’s perma-online right are cheering his fit of oligarchic pique, while our liberals fret that this rude plutocrat will lay waste to our democracy. Both sides need to chill: Musk is neither our saviour nor our destroyer.

He’s going hard on the ‘grooming gangs’ scandal. That’s the euphemistic name given to the rape and degradation of thousands of poor and working-class girls by bands of sick blokes from mostly Pakistani Muslim backgrounds. Like everyone else with a working moral compass, Musk is horrified. He’s especially horrified that so many social workers, local officials and cops turned a blind eye to this industrial-scale debasement of vulnerable girls, all because they didn’t want to rock the ‘race relations’ boat. They elevated multicultural calm over the safety and dignity of the poor: an unforgivable dereliction of the state’s duty to guard its citizens from harm. Essentially, Musk roars, ‘rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls’.

That Musk seems to be finding out about these gangs for the first time is striking. This social scourge has been known about for years. The Times, our newspaper of record, no less, covered it in depth for 15 years. The BBC covered it too. There have been numerous inquiries. And it has made its way to the US, with broad commentary in both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. I wrote one of the Wall Street Journal’s pieces, more than 10 years ago, in which I said this atrocity was fuelled by the ‘moral cowardice of modern-day politicos more concerned with appearing right-on than doing what is right’. How is it possible Musk saw none of this?

His frantic tweeting about the rape gangs, and the headlines he’s generating, is being held up as proof that the freshly liberated X is the best place to find out the truth. In fact, it suggests the opposite. That this hyper-online dude glued to his laptop in his opulent Texas home has only just discovered that thousands of girls in 21st-century Britain were exploited by Pakistani gangs is a testament to how blind and unworldly one can become in the circus of internet outrage.

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January 9, 2025 4:51 pm

Politicians, the police, the media and Muslims hate Tommy Robinson. Anybody who supports him and his cause are of course……….racists.

You Won’t Believe This! Leaders Promoting Rape Gangs In The UK Finally Exposed


Last edited 30 days ago by BTDT
January 9, 2025 4:44 pm

First and very importantly, these are not ‘grooming gangs’ as they have been so innocuously (by design) labeled. The label doesn’t even come close to conjuring up the pure evil, the religiously motivated arguably Satanic behaviour of the perpetrators. Not a combo platter of Christians, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism or a long list of other world wide religions, only one.

What has happened to an estimated 250,000 young white British girls reportedly mainly if not solely by Pakistani Muslim men succeeded by using alcohol, drugs, and death threats. ‘Grooming’ just doesn’t accurately describe it.

Here, a healthy dose of common sense….


January 9, 2025 9:42 am

“Get Them Deported”, Douglas Murray SHOCKS UK Muslims Amidst Grooming Gangs.” 


January 8, 2025 11:37 am

It’s about time someone with clout calls out the loony left totalitarian freaks for what they are. Against human lives, freedom, property and for making us worker bees cater to their whims. Keep it up Musk. The world need more like you.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jack