February 13, 2025
The Ultimate goal is not merely to become more outrageously wealthy but also to become more extraordinarily powerful and able to bend humanity to their will.

The New Pandemic Treaty

The proposed International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response at the World Health Assembly (May 2024), the brainchild of the World Health Organization (WHO) and The United Nations’ Agenda 2030, was temporarily prorogued as member states failed to reach agreement over various thorny issues like a global sharing formula for vaccines and other unresolved articles in the draft text.

Now, the WHO has appended a series of last-minute adjustments to the International Health Regulations, in the form of a parallel document, the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), that reprises the earlier version and then some. It will grant the organization unique and unrivaled control over our national sovereignty. These amendments will empower the WHO to declare pandemic emergencies, enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, deny personal choice of medical care, expand surveillance protocols, and enforce other restrictive measures on society — precisely as stipulated by the original treaty but with added clout.

Obviously, national public health policy is not the prerogative of intrusive and unelected international bodies. If countries do not opt out of the IHR and its binding legal authority, they will allow an alien conglomerate, consisting of oligarchic backers, Big Pharma, UN elites, medical autocrats, and unelected bureaucrats to gain monolithic power over citizens’ lives. These are the actors whom Jack Posobiec calls Unhumans and Seamus Bruner refers to as Controligarchs.

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