Trudeau’s $209 Million McKinsey Scandal Exposed, Taxpayer Money Wasted on Secret Deals!
Auditor General Reveals Trudeau’s Government Awarded Non-Competitive Contracts to McKinsey, Raising Alarming Questions About Corruption, Cronyism, and National Security Risks
Let’s cut to the chase: Justin Trudeau’s government is caught in another scandal, and this time it’s about wasting taxpayer money—$209 million, to be exact—on contracts awarded to McKinsey & Company. According to a damning report by the Auditor General of Canada, Trudeau’s bureaucrats dished out these contracts without following proper procurement policies, often bypassing competitive bidding and rubber-stamping non-competitive contracts without proper justification.
A Broken System of Accountability
Between 2011 and 2023, 97 contracts were handed to McKinsey for various consulting services. Out of these, 70% were non-competitive, meaning they didn’t go through a fair bidding process to ensure taxpayers got the best bang for their buck. Worse yet, in 18% of the contracts, worth about $37.62 million, deliverables were either missing, incomplete, or so vaguely defined that the Auditor General couldn’t even determine if the work was done as promised. What’s more, there were contracts where the work descriptions were so ambiguous that there was no way to assess whether what McKinsey delivered was in line with the requirements.
How does this happen in a country that prides itself on transparency and good governance? It’s simple: corruption, cronyism, and a lack of accountability. The Auditor General’s report makes it clear that the government didn’t just drop the ball—it threw it away.