Two-tier policing is not a myth
Identity politics is at the heart of modern British policing
The widespread claims that Britain has a problem with ‘two-tier policing’ have clearly touched a nerve with the establishment. Earlier this week, when a Sky News reporter asked Mark Rowley, Britain’s most-senior police officer, if he would ‘end two-tier policing’, Rowley grabbed the mic from the journalist’s hand and dropped it on the ground. He later issued a statement claiming that it is ‘complete nonsense’ that police would treat anyone differently according to their race, religion or political leanings. I dare say Sir Mark doth protest too much.
The media have also declared, in unison, that there is no bias to be found in our police. Almost every major media outlet has carried an article purporting to ‘fact-check’ and ‘debunk’ the claims around two-tier policing. The Times ran with ‘Two-tier policing: the claims fact-checked’. ‘How has the “two-tier policing” myth become widespread?’, asks the Guardian. ‘What is two-tier policing? Nigel Farage and Elon Musk’s claims debunked’, announces an Independent headline. That ‘two-tier policing’ is a myth, invented and spread by the far right no less, is simply taken as a given.
This is a bit strange, no? In some cases, the very same outlets that, until now, have been running near weekly articles on how the police are institutionally or structurally racist, riddled with some ‘-ism’ or ‘-phobia’, proclaim that any suggestion of unfairness in policing is preposterous. Apparently, if you dare to use the words ‘two-tier policing’, or ‘two-tier Keir’, then you have probably fallen under the malign sway of Tommy Robinson.
I agree with BTDT. He says it well and I don’t like where our “trusted” media finds itself this day. It’s far past time to end the LIBERAL bullshit!
Tommy has been vilified by the left and the media. He is not Islamophobic, he is a patriotic Brit. He is a realist. Canada is following down the very same path with our strange style love affair with the Middle East and our ridiculous (and largely impossible to vet) refugee quotas. Our refugee system is a much abused mess. Believe this. The 3rd world understands the many weaknesses of our refugee system much better than Canadians do.
Watch “We’re Out Of Time: Tommy Robinson”
George Orwell called it right when he said this…
‘In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’
The speed of change has been mesmerising. Indeed, lacking any real sense of overarching identity, the need to impose a sense of community has become paramount. Whether locally or, as we see, nationally, never have we heard the word community so bandied about. But it’s all pretend, really. Community was never talked about before, simply because it didn’t have to be.
A pox on the houses of those responsible. The London (UK) experience coming as soon as humanly possible to Canada, liberal progressives willing. Anyone who doesn’t believe that simply hasn’t been paying attention the past decade or so. Justin Trudeau “Canada has no core values”.