The Debate Debacle Changes Nothing
I had resolved not to watch last Thursday night’s debate because I didn’t think it would change anything, and I was right to the extent that it didn’t change anything for me. I already knew President Crusty was a sundowning desiccated old weirdo. But it changed things for people who were on the fence or not paying attention. That’s not going to matter, though. Joe Biden is not going anywhere.
The fact is that Joe Biden is the nominee, and he will remain the nominee. By the next morning, the rallying and rationalization were in full effect. Obama tweeted about how it’s all going to be OK. So did many others after the deathwatch that was the immediate post-debate analysis on the communist channels. And they believe their revised spin. It’s remarkable how easily you can convince yourself of what you want to be convinced of. Denial is not just a river in Egypt; it’s now the official Democrat campaign strategy.
What choice do they have? The Geezer Golem is not going anywhere. Here’s the thing – Joe Biden doesn’t think he did badly. Joe Biden thinks he did great. The people around him are all telling him he did great, starting with his harridan wife. This echo chamber of idiocy reinforces his determination that he is a visionary megamind whose presence blesses the benighted American people. He thinks he’s a genius. In fact, Joe Biden is an idiot and has always been an idiot. And it’s all downhill on the IQ Bell Curve from here.
I like Kurt – a lot. He’s the kind of officer I would have followed into hell in the right circumstances. But there’s much more than what he has said to consider. I’m reading a column now that convinces me that the Democratic apparatus in the country would elect a ham sandwich if they thought there was any advantage in it for them.
That silly bitch that’s married to Biden is one grasping, unloving female of the specie, using Joe Biden for what she can get from him and not caring one whit what damage she does to him.
That nasty dog that keeps biting secret service people has far more love in his left paw for the old fart than said bitch and all the other psychophants preying on him day in and day out. That includes the power behind the throne (the real power) Barrack (I’m a closet Muslim) Obama, a clear and present danger that the US has faced over the past decade or so without seeing it for what it is.
I sometimes find it hard to believe how easy it is to suck in fools who never read a paper or listen to a news cast. They just go by what their friends tell them. It even gets into politics when extremely important bills are voted for and passed on the advice of an idiot ‘friend’ (think Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer) because it’s far to much trouble to be bothered with ‘all that’.
Politicians in Canada do that stuff too and it royally pisses me off!
They passed our Constitution in exactly that way, trusting that lovable fart Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Had said moron done what he was supposed to have done, put HIS Constitution to the people, he knew it would never have passed (people might have read it) so he went the easy route. He enlisted an elected gang of nitwits who were ”challenged” readers (they never passed Grade Six in that department) WHO TRUSTED HIM and ‘BINGO!!’, Canada was saddled with what may now be fairly called an NDP Constitution.
And Canada’s descent into the abyss our ancestors would never recognize began.
Thinking is hard…really hard…and many elected fools (elected by other fools) find all that so tedious. I often wonder when that dull bitch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a congresswoman, ever bothered to sit down and read a bill before she voted on it. To hell with country, to hell with shitting in her own nest (she wouldn’t know that), let’s screw these arrogant GOP types every chance, every day.
Truly, if you shone a flashlight in one of her ears you could read a book holding it up to the other one.
There’s nothing there.
Just like Kurt I tuned in at 9:00 pm here in the Great ‘Not So White’ North (Justin Trudeau keeps shitting on it) and listened for all of a minute or so and then I changed the channel. Like Kurt I knew what was going to happen and I hate to see anybody make fools of themselves and for sure Biden was going to do that in spades.
I knew that…hell, EVERYONE knew it!
Those idiots who kept him up at Camp David rehearsing him (how do you rehearse a vegetable) for a solid week wore that poor old fool out.
This folks is known as elder abuse! The extreme kind!
People go to jail for that kind of thing.
So…when Donald Trump becomes President my view is that the first thing he should do is expand that prison at Guantanimo and fill it with Democrats who were trying to jail him. They are after all terrorists in their own right. The very worst kind. They don’t want to completely destroy their country, they want to steal it and then turn it against the rest of the free world.
I suspect Obama really likes that idea!
He’s a closet ‘Mussie’ ya know and that’s their game plan for sure!
Point: If folks don’t wake up ASAP this black ‘Messiah’ just may get his wish and that will be a catastrophe.
World Wars start like that.
Think about it and Happy DOMINION Day!