No charges to be laid in bus crash that left 17 dead near Carberry, Man.
No charges will be laid in the bus crash last year near Carberry, the deadliest in Manitoba history.
RCMP Supt. Rob Lawson said following a complex investigation that was very difficult for loved ones of the 17 people who died, Crown prosecutors reviewed the evidence and recommended against pursuing charges.
“This tragedy severely rocked all of Manitoba and had a profound effect on all of us,” Lawson said.
RCMP and Crown attorney Chris Vanderhooft visited family members in Dauphin Tuesday to notify them of the news before the public announcement, Lawson said.
“Like the families, today will bring upon varied emotions,” Lawson said.
“We hope to provide the ‘why’ of what happened … but in this case, we cannot say why the bus proceeded into the intersection that day when it was unsafe to do so.”
Not all of the evidence investigators would usually pursue in such a case was available, Lawson said.
Investigators have been unable to interview the bus driver and don’t anticipate that will change due to medical reasons, he said.
Semi hits bus in Canada, multiple deaths. One year later Mounties release findings. Train hits bus in Slovakia, multiple deaths. Cause publicly released in a couple of days.
“However, we cannot prove that that choice that day was the result of anything criminal.”
“Cannot prove” criminality? A tryout for the drama club or what? It wasn’t criminal, it was a Highway Traffic Act offence. A traffic control device (stop sign) violation. So just say so. It’s bad enough this driver will (if his is able) have tried, convicted and sentenced himself to life with no chance of parole (personal forgiveness). He’s never getting released. He will bring the gavel down on his momentary inattention or distraction every time he looks in the mirror.
So to what purpose leave the door of ‘possible’ criminal culpability open even if only a tiny sliver? A poor choice of words. How about this reword….
After a year long intensive investigation there is absolutely no evidence that what happened was the result of any criminal act. Period.