The real reason the Liberals are holding on for dear life
A recent Hill Times interview with Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski seemed to reveal something telling about the current state of the Liberal caucus: Few of them have ever had it this good, or will ever have it this good again.
Powlowski said that if he loses his seat in Thunder Bay – Rainy River, he can simply return to his medical practice. But as the article then noted, “some MPs may find it hard to get a similar well-paying and prestigious job as they currently have if they lose the next election.”
It’s a clue as to why the current federal government is proving so remarkably intransigent. Few governments in Canadian history have experienced such a sustained period of public ire.
Not only are Liberal approval ratings at all-time lows, but a majority of voters now say that Trudeau’s entire premiership has been a waste of time. An April Research Co. poll found that 55 per cent of respondents now believed that Trudeau had “accomplished little” as prime minister.
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