Why is it that when faced with certain failure politicians these days scream “Russia”? The Democrats in the US tried and failed to oust Trump with their Russian collusion antics and now losers like Dominic Grieve are forced to pull the Russian collusion card over here. Recent tall tales in obtuse publications about the owner of the Evening Standard, Evgeny Lebedev, being a Russian spy feeding tidbits back to the KGB on Boris Johnson are Cadwalladresque and tinfoil.
Ever since the failed Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, called Russia the greatest geopolitical enemy of the US during his campaign, and got laughed at incidentally, Russia has grown in bogeyman influence to a point where – inflamed by social media – any mention of Russians is bringing on a paranoia akin to the era of McCarthyism.
On both sides of the Atlantic our respective political classes tend to portray Vladimir Putin as a Bondesque super villain with his criminal tendrils extending into our society at every level. The Russian bot / Russian money conspiracy in the Brexit leave campaign continues to rumble. Now we have the ISC report on Russian influences in UK politics – the report committee chairman is the aforementioned, swivel-eyed Grieve who, in the opinion of many, is a highly dubious source and a traitor to boot.
What are the Russians gaining with all this alleged collusion?
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