The entry of Deval Patrick — who needed three, count ‘em, three, attempts to pass the Massachusetts bar despite graduating from Harvard law—as yet another Democratic presidential contender underscores the rather extraordinary mediocrity of that party’s candidates. What was California Congressman Eric Swallwell ever doing running for president?
The Dems plummeting frontrunner— if you follow the Real Clear Politics averages — Joe Biden is embroiled in a corruption scandal the likes of which we have rarely seen. It has engulfed not only his own son but the son and family of John Kerry as well. That’s Obama’s vice-president and secretary of state!
This scandal appears to be metastasizing. Just now, the Latvian secret service is reporting stratospheric numbers being transferred by Ukrainian klepto-corporation Burisma into Biden/Kerry related accounts in the United States, including at Morgan Stanley. (Do we trust the Latvians? Well, as much as anybody else, I suppose, and they’ve produced a large cache of documents.)
The runners-up as of now, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, are making economic proposals that threaten to bankrupt half a dozen government programs, simultaneously tanking the stock market and sending unemployment numbers skyrocketing while taxes go through the roof. Last election cycle’s favorite Bernie Sanders has long ago gone full-Venezuela. It’s surprising Bernie has yet to embrace the new San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin who was a translator for Cesar Chavez.
No wonder Michael Bloomberg has entered the fray. At least he is a verifiable business success. And it’s no surprise Hillary Clinton—one of history’s most prominent sore losers—is clearly contemplating joining him. Give her another week.
See Also:
(1) Schiff Tells Trump to Stop Interrupting Public Hearings As He Releases Second Transcript
(2) Impeachment Theater of Trolls
(3) The Russian Conspiracy That Won’t Die
(4) Trump an ‘inspirational’ voice for a ‘faint-hearted Republican Party’
(5) First Public Impeachment Hearing Flops, Draws 13 Million Viewers