Several weeks ago, ABC News anchor Amy Robach was taped talking to her producer off air, expressing her frustration about ABC “spiking” the Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia story. Project Veritas picked up the tape and released it earlier this week. Here’s ABC’s Robach:
I’ve had the story for three years — I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts Giuffre [one of Epstein’s victims]. We would not put it on the air. First of all, I was told, ‘Who’s Jeffrey Epstein? No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story.’
NPR had criticized ABC in August for failing to air the interview with Giuffre, who was never told why ABC wouldn’t air it. In the clip, Robach says one reason the interview didn’t run is that Giuffre implicated British Prince Andrew, and the British royal family had “threatened” ABC “a million different ways.”
One of those ways, said Robach, was a threat to cut ABC’s access to British royals William and Kate. In the tape, an off-camera ABC employee said it was “creepy” that ABC would prioritize access to powerful people over telling the truth about Epstein’s predations on young girls. Robach agreed, saying, “Well, then I got a little concerned about why I couldn’t get [the story] on.”
“And then Alan Dershowitz was also implicated in — ’cause of the planes, she [Giuffre] told me everything,” Robach continued. “She had pictures, she had everything. She was in hiding for 12 years. We convinced her to come out. We convinced her to talk to us. It was unbelievable what we had [on Bill] Clinton. We had everything …
See Also:
(1) Jeffrey Epstein: FBI ready to strike against paedophile’s ‘child groomers’
(3) Alan Dershowitz countersues accuser in Jeffrey Epstein case, then is sued by David Boies
(4) Ex-chief medical examiner claims Jeffrey Epstein was murdered