I think it’s clear to any moderately neutral mind that Andrew Scheer has taken more than his fair share of a mauling since election night. Former party big shots have dumped on him, there have been endless complaints in a compliant press from nameless “sources high in the party” about his performance, and the same press on its own has been very busy on the “can Scheer survive?” meme. The question has been plant-food for the political panels and fertilizer for mischievous politicos.
For what it’s worth (very little) I think his campaign was weak, unaggressive to a fault, gave the Liberals a pass on some very serious issues, was not nearly hard enough on the Trudeau blackface theatricals, and, most significantly, did not make what it needed to make: a national case for Canada’s oil and gas industry.
Nonetheless, with all that said, the novice leader increased Conservative seats (by 26 — a wholesome gain); took the Liberals down from their majority (20 lost, a notable loss); post-vote owns a whole block of the country; and has a very powerful presence in the House of Commons. No A++ for the leader, but certainly not the string of Ds and Es he’s getting from the Ottawa sages and some of his anonymous “friends.”
Jagmeet Singh by contrast is being toasted, not roasted, for his campaign. Objectively this is strange. Under his leadership the NDP were obliterated in Quebec, lost a massive chunk of seats (went from 39 to 24), and were seen at one point in the campaign as threatened by the Greens. The latter should be seen as a shameful blot on any leader’s record — the Green party really being a toy car, a Tesla-tot, rather than a genuine eight-cylinder political vehicle. Mr. Singh impressed mainly because his performance in the year and a half before the election was almost brilliantly dismal. Any change was necessarily for the better.
See Also:
(1) It may be too bad, but Scheer can’t just brandish his beads at reporters
(2) Kenney ready to play hardball with Trudeau
(4) A note to Western Canada: The rest of the country understands tough economic times
(5) The question that haunts Andrew Scheer
IMHO. Not scwewy politicis. Fundamentally transforming Canada against the will of the majority.
From the desk of our SOMALI (Canadian) Immigration Minister. A former refugee. Ya, the same guy who just ‘showed up’ at the Toronto airport one day. Wikipeia – Two years after leaving Mogadishu, Hussen’s parents bought him an airplane ticket to Toronto, where two of his brothers had already moved.
Nobody knows the dangerous weakness of our system better than somebody who personally benefited from it. A privileged refugee? Now he’s the CEO! The same guy somehow discovered by the Trudeau government to be the most qualified person in all of Canada to lead the charge across our border. The same guy who thence arrogantly and condescendingly labelled Canadians who dared challenge his open border policy as “un-Canadian”.
Canada will welcome nearly one million immigrants over the next three years, according to the multi-year strategy tabled by the Liberal government today in what it calls “the most ambitious immigration levels in recent history.” ONE MILLION over the same time period as America’s under 50,000! Hmmm… “Waves of immigration throughout Canada’s history have made ethnic sub-populations key targets for Canadian election campaigns. Historically this has benefited the federal Liberals; the party supported mass immigration while governing Canada for two thirds of the 20th century, making ethnic voting a staple of Liberal politics.” Nothing to see here folks move along.
Canada (population 33M) will admit nearly 1 million immigrants over next 3 years. Economic class will make up about 60% of newcomers. So by definition 60% of these foreigners will not be ‘genuine’ refugees. They will not be nuclear physicists, brain surgeons or astronauts as we have been told in the past. They will be hordes of the uneducated, unskilled mostly from 3rd world countries coming here to sign up for free stuff. Well, free for them but costing Canada’ treasury untold billions. Not a single one of them (even if it requires the LPC commandeering entire hotels as has already been the case) will spend a single night on the street. All the while 30,000 Canadians are homeless on any given day summer or winter and our national infrastructure as but one example is decrepit and desperate for funding. A broken infrastructure by the way that is contributing hugely to the poisoning of our environment. The vast majority of Canadians are opposed to Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen’s goal to as quickly as humanly possible, massively and permanently change the demographics of our country and cost (fiscally or otherwise) be damned,
The number of economic migrants, family reunifications and refugees will climb to 310,000 in 2018, up from 300,000 this year. That number will rise to 330,000 in 2019 then 340,000 in 2020. Remember the 60% economic figure. Genuine refugees are relegated to the number 3 priority position. That’s how much the original intent of the program has been bastardized for purely political reasons.
America (population of 10X Canada, 330M) intends reducing refugee intake to 18,000 annually. Or until they can at least get a handle on what is going on and regain (retake) control over they own borders. America first. Not so for Canada.
Further to… “Waves of immigration throughout Canada’s history have made ethnic sub-populations key targets for Canadian election campaigns. Historically this has benefited the federal Liberals; the party supported mass immigration while governing Canada for two thirds of the 20th century, making ethnic voting a staple of Liberal politics.”
And with ‘faux warriors’ like Andrew Scheer and his CPC a reasonable facsimile of the weak and cowardly Iraqi Army in Desert Storm our nation is in dire peril. Behold Virginia. Canadian history through a crystal ball. And there’s not a damn thing the ROC outside of Ontario can do about it. Especially with a ‘Quebec Libre’ PM. Quebec has nothing to worry about. They have and always will take care of #1. They will laugh and spit on Canada’s grave and then carry on into a prosperous future.
A “tidal wave” of mass immigration has “tilt(ed) the field toward the Democrats” in the state of Virginia, the New York Times admits.
Last week, Democrats took control of Virginia’s House of Delegates and the State Senate. Now, the Democrats hold power over the state’s legislature, the governor’s seat and the lieutenant governor’s seat — the first time since 1993 that this has occurred.
The New York Times now admits that four to five decades of mass immigration — where about 1.2 million legal immigrants are admitted to the United States every year — has shifted Virginia into a blue state:
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/11/10/ny-times-tidal-wave-mass-immigration-hands-virginia-democrats/Join the discussion…
A debate between O’Leary and Trudeau would have been epic, a massacre. Kevin would have beaten the drama teacher with a baseball bat of economic reality into a blubbering pile of college drop out.
Canada is doomed under Trudeau and headed for a recession says Kevin O’Leary
The economic backdrop for Canada, already grim, is now looking even poorer under the new minority Liberal government, led by a re-elected Justin Trudeau, says Kevin O’Leary, chairman of O’Shares ETFs and star of the hit show Shark Tank.
“What is the definition of leadership if it isn’t to unite a country? Here’s a guy that’s so poor in executional skills, in strategic skills, in any kind of vision and leadership, and if I may be critical, he has destroyed unity in Canada because he doesn’t know what it means,” O’Leary told Kitco News.