The baseball caps were sold to the side of the rally at the Boot Scootin’ Boogie Dancehall last Saturday night. One for $20, or three hats for $50, they came in a variety of colours, reading “Wexit” and “Make Alberta Great Again” and “The West Wants Out.”
At the front of the dark, wood-panelled hall, a Canadian flag held aloft by two hockey sticks was displayed, inverted, on stage.
More than 700 people arrived at the event in Edmonton to hear a few speakers extol the benefits of Western separation. The “Wexit” Facebook page now boasts about a quarter-million members and its founder, Peter Downing, took to the front of the room wearing an Edmonton Eskimos jersey and asked the crowd to remove those caps to observe a moment of silence for the Alberta workers who have committed suicide since oil priced dropped in 2014, and the province lost an estimated 150,000 jobs.
Then he stepped into his manic, prairie-carnival-barker patter: “Everybody is behind this movement. Whether you’re private sector, public sector, labour, you’re the workers, you’re immigrants, Indigenous communities again, for people from tight-knit communities, people who have to work three extra jobs, three extra jobs, and they get to keep more of their own money. We get to keep the $50 billion in taxation we send to Ottawa for nothing, nothing good except their noses up and their thumbs down on us,” he says.
See Also:
(1) Quebec presents $4-billion surplus for 2019-20 amid booming economy
(2) Alberta will study already ‘compelling case’ for its exit from CPP: Jason Kenney
(3) Panicking Conservatives only help Trudeau (Jack: It’s not ‘panic’ Lorrie, it’s white hot anger.)
(5) Quebec’s ‘distinct’ ability to irritate the RoC remains fully in place