Lexington (United States) (AFP) – Taking the stage in a packed Kentucky arena to the strains of America’s unofficial patriotic anthem, “God Bless the USA,” Donald Trump didn’t look like a man in trouble.
Harried by impeachment proceedings, yes. Beset by foreign policy worries, yes. Accused of everything from sexual assault to incompetent White House management, yes.
But Trump resembled a man younger than his 73 years and considerably happier than a president likely to become only the third in history tarnished by impeachment.
The ear splitting cheers from the crowd of around 20,000 in Lexington’s Rupp Arena explained why.
Dressed in red “make America great again” baseball caps and carrying “Trump 2020” placards, this hardest of the hardcore Trump base was delirious even before the president took the stage.
They’d warmed up to 1980s golden oldies, but Michael Jackson and company could not compare to the excitement triggered by Trump’s entry.
And Trump had his own greatest hits.
Within a few minutes, he’d boasted that US special forces sent Islamic State’s late leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “to hell,” that the Democratic party is “crazy,” and joked that he might ignore constitutional term limits to stay in power for the rest of his life.
Classic Trump.
See Also:
(1) Weaponizing Impeachment against Political Opponents
(2) NYT: Trump’s Electoral Advantage May Have Increased And This 2020 Democrat Is Toast If Nominated
(3) Flynn attorney demands FBI search ‘Sentinel’ database for missing, ‘manipulated’ witness reports
(4) The Last Trusted Prosecutor in Washington
(5) After All This, Trump Still Has a Clear Path to Reelection
Shortly after being elected for his first term Justin Trudeau proudly met personally with George Soros. Oh to have been a fly on that wall. Today Canada is enduring a George Soros specialty. A manufactured tsunamis of upheaval. Gee, I wonder what these two considered so important so soon after the election that they had to meet personally to discuss? One thing is for certain, today Canada is being torn apart by a ‘tsunamis of upheaval’. Coincidence? CSIS (external threats) and RCMP (internal threats) where are you? Border invasion. Foreign funded radical environmentalists determined to destroy our nation’s economy). Who looks out for Canada? Hint. No one.
His political activism portfolio is well diversified. Backing organizations dedicated to social agitation and change-for-change’s-sake, Soros has caused tsunamis of upheaval, in the United States and around the world.
Justin Trudeau and George Soros. Partners? May God help our nation because nobody else seems willing to step up. Canada is for sale. That was a common opinion voiced on RCMP criminal immigration investigation courses at least 2 decades ago. That’s not rumour that’s fact. I’ve got ears. I was there. I tried, I really did. But even a lone voice isn’t heard when the people who could really make a difference are covering their ears (and their own asses). It appears that the For Sale sign now displays ‘Sold’? After all…rocking the boat stifles or even ends careers. Its easier and a hell’ov a lot safer to keep your eye focused on your pension. It’s easier to turn your back on your country than risk it all or even partially by being a patriot. If that statement doesn’t apply then why is our wonderful country in the situation it is today? When it comes to players like Soros…evil stalks the land. Colour me mightily pissed off that it has be allowed to come to this.
I want to know what role George Soros plays in deciding immigration policy for the Canadian government.
According to an Angus Reid poll, 80 per cent of Canadians want immigration to be kept where it is, or even reduced. Only 6 per cent of Canadians want immigration increased.
But Trudeau and his immigration minister, Ahmed Hussen, have announced that they plan to jack numbers up to more than a million in the next three years — almost half of whom will be refugees or other drains on our social services.
So it’s obviously not the Canadian public that’s making the decision. Has Trudeau given Soros control over that?
That’s not a conspiracy theory or a speculation. It’s what happened, as we’ve reported before:
In September 2016, the Trudeau government partnered with Soros’ Open Society Foundations to increase the number of “refugees” entering Canada.
What exactly is the agreement?