September 10, 2024
Trump Is Derailing The Elite’s Gravy Train
It’s important to remember and to always remind yourself, that everything our elite says about its motives and morals is a lie and a scam.
It’s important to remember and to always remind yourself, that everything our elite says about its motives and morals is a lie and a scam.

Like the garbage French elite of long ago, our American garbage elite of today has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. For four years, it has been focused entirely on deep sixing Donald Trump for his unforgivable crime of demanding that our ruling caste be held accountable for its legacy of failure. Instead of focusing on not being terrible at their job of running America’s institutions, our elitists have decided that the real problem is us Normals being angry about how they are terrible at their job of running America’s institutions. So, let’s imagine that they finally vanquish Trump, though every time they come up against him they end up dragging themselves home like Ned Beatty after a particularly tough canoe trip. 

What happens then?

What happens then is that it’s back to business as usual, and for decades, business as usual for our garbage elite has not merely been running our institutions badly but pillaging and looting our country for power, prestige and cash.

The difference is that in the future they will be much more careful to ensure that no one who is not in on the scam will ever again come anywhere near the levers of power. You can already see it – the demands that we defer to the bureaucrats they own, the attacks on the idea of free expression, and the campaign to disarm us. Their objective is no more Trumps, just an endless line of progressive would-be Maduros with the march toward despair occasionally put on pause for a term by some Fredocon Republican who hates us Normals just as much as the Dems, but won’t admit it until after he’s out of office.


See Also:

(1) Spreading Still More Bull

(2) The Reserve Army of the GOP

(3) De Blasio, Cuomo show sneering hostility as Trump leaves New York

(4) Nancy and Willie warning Democrats

(5) NeverTrumpism Is a Mental Illness
