Justin Trudeau loves standing up for Canadian jobs, as long as those jobs are in Quebec, or maybe somewhere else in central Canada. When it comes to jobs or companies leaving places like Alberta, Trudeau is silent.
“One of the fundamental jobs of any prime minister is to stand up for the public interest, to stand up for Canadian jobs,” Trudeau said at a campaign stop in Toronto in September.
He had been asked about his actions on the SNC_Lavalin file, a file where the PM went so far as to actually break the ethics law. He was found guilty of breaching the ethics act and may still be found guilty of obstruction of justice.
It was all worth it to Trudeau because in his mind, he was protecting jobs and keeping the head office of a major company in Quebec.
Yet when Encana, a Calgary-based company with a history dating back to the 1880s, announces that it will change its name to drop reference to Canada and that they will “domesticate” in the United States, there is nothing. The man who conducts foreign diplomacy by Twitter and who signals how great Canada is in 280 characters or less suddenly can’t find the app on his phone.
As I write, Trudeau has been silent on this issue. His office, asked for comment, has yet to respond.
See Also:
(1) Encana doesn’t want to be Canadian anymore, and Trudeau shrugs
(2) Maybe a new pipeline could win federal approval after all
(3) Why a pipeline fight with Quebec may be looming
(4) Trudeau will keep pretending his carbon tax works – it doesn’t
(5) Carbon taxes reveal the liberal face behind the conservative mask, or vice versa