November 1, 2024
It's time for Alberta's Boston Tea Party moment
Albertans protest outside a Liberal rally in Calgary during the election campaign. After the re-election of Justin Trudeau and his Liberals to government, separatist sentiment in Alberta has exploded.
Albertans protest outside a Liberal rally in Calgary during the election campaign. After the re-election of Justin Trudeau and his Liberals to government, separatist sentiment in Alberta has exploded.

Our news media is flooded with stories about the tsunami of separatist sentiment that has exploded in Western Canada since Monday’s federal election. Memberships for a “WEXIT” website soared from 2,500 to 125,000 in less than 24 hours. Signatures on an online petition to separate have surpassed 80,000 and more are being added every minute. (Google “Western Alliance Alberta Separation.”)

Mainstream media and commentators are reassuring readers that this disturbance will dissipate. Of course, the 70 per cent of voters in Alberta and Saskatchewan who voted for the Conservatives and now find their provinces with not a single MP in the new Liberal government are angry. But this is just a passing phase. Albertans will get over it, and we will be back to business as usual soon enough. But they are wrong. And they are wrong for two reasons.

The first is this is not just about anger. It is about fear. Fear of losing jobs and the ripple effect this is having. The day after the election, Husky Energy laid off 200 employees in its Calgary office. These are not the first layoffs in the western oilpatch and they will not be the last.

During the election campaign, export oil and gas pipelines were treated as an infrastructure and financial issue. Which they are. But they are also a people issue. Bankruptcies and layoffs have a ripple effect on Main Street. When a spouse loses his or her job, young families suddenly can’t pay their home mortgages or car loan. They can’t afford or get to the kids’ hockey practices or soccer games. Predictably, since 2014 Alberta has witnessed a spike in domestic abuse, divorce and even suicides.

So no, this is not going to disappear shortly. Anger and frustration may. But fear is deeper.


See Also:

(1) Sorry Albertchewan, cabinet ministers are supposed to be elected, not selected

(2) Justin Trudeau’s Alberta problem just got much worse


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October 28, 2019 9:27 am

Prior to the election of Barack Hussein Obama , relatively speaking race relations in America were good and people of all races were by an large peacefully co-existing. By the end of Obama’s first term race relations had been inflamed, people were at each other’s throats. Americans made a huge mistake by giving Obama another term to achieve his goal of fundamentally transforming America. Just one part of that transformation was pitting black against white. He succeeded and America is full of hate. Virtually half of America hates the other half. There has even been talk of actual civil war.

Obama and Trudeau are described as being friends. They get together for cozy private dinners and no doubt talk on the phone. Bearing that relationship in mind compare Canada. Prior to Justin Trudeau’s election the BLOC had been basically neutered and the west and east were co-existing peacefully. Does anybody believe that when these two despots get together that Obama is not mentoring star struck Trudeau. By the end of Trudeau’s first term westerners and easterners were at each other’s throats. Virtually half of Canada hates the other half. There has even been talk of the country splitting apart. Canadians made a huge mistake by giving Trudeau another term to achieve his goal of fundamentally transforming Canada.

Trudeau despises western Canada. He will not unite this nation. He will continue his goal to literally tear it apart. Way to go Ontario. Way to go Maritimes. In his own words…