The young man carefully approaches the recruiting sergeant, intent on being ‘just like him’. He’s smart, worldly, well turned out and confident – he wants to join the 350-year-old going concern that is the British Army.
The sergeant welcomes his interest and informs him of all the available options to improve his character. How to better his lifestyle, his physical condition, his education and trade qualifications. Hearing all this gets the young man all of a dither and excited. The recruit’s dream of ‘escape’ from the drudgery of his own existence suddenly becomes viable.
Nowadays though there’s a tedious addendum the recruiting sergeant must add to this timeless sales pitch. It goes something like this: “I also have to warn you that it is entirely possible that the very people who create the conditions where the Army is committed on operations may at some point in the future consider it politically expedient to resurrect questionable evidence and charge you with serious crimes, whilst at the same time giving legal aid to our erstwhile enemies (who are, in most cases, intent on killing our citizens and destroying our way of life) in order for this political charade to be played out.”
“Oh, that’s great sergeant, where do I sign…?”
Or not…it is more likely that the eager young recruit will check his enthusiasm and ask why on earth any person would agree to such a risk. He may well consider that his life of drudgery is infinitely better than facing years looking over his shoulder; spending what should be a deserved retirement waiting for a policeman to knock on his door to interview him about a long forgotten non-incident.
[Read it all]
See Also:
(1) Anti-Brexit Conservative MP faces deselection vote from enraged Tory activists
(2) Theresa May’s last-ditch attempt to secure Brexit deal with Labour ‘about to collapse’
(3) Polling guru John Curtice explains ‘remarkable’ rise of Brexit Party putting May on brink
(4) Annunziata Rees-Mogg furious rant receives thunderous applause: ’Make them listen!’
(5) Poland in Euro rejection: Single currency backlash – look at Greece!