For decades, American leaders have accepted a fantasy version of China.
We have believed that China is a fragile, peaceful, developing country which is trying to shed outdated, backwards policies and philosophies. We believed it wanted to participate in global markets and ultimately become freer and more open. We believed all of this because it was our strategy for avoiding potential future conflict with the massive, ancient, and re-emerging power. Simply put, if the Chinese leadership evolved away from being an oppressive communist totalitarian dictatorship – and played by the same rules on the world stage – we could all get along and mutually benefit.
The Chinese Communist Party, which has had complete control over China since 1949, has allowed us to believe these things because it has been a part of its strategy for consuming, overwhelming, and defeating any entity that threatens the ultimate power and control of the Party.
As China’s market opened to the world, many of our businesses (and those of other nations) invested heavily in its enormous economy. Our supply chains became increasingly dependent on cheap Chinese manufacturing and labor. At the same time, China’s communist leaders leveraged their markets to incentivize more American investment, subsidized their state-owned industries to create more economic dependence on China, and systematically began stealing foreign knowledge and intellectual property to gain further advantage over industries vital to the modern world economy.
See Also:
(1) Universities Breed Anger, Ignorance, and Ingratitude
(2) The Republican SCIF Invasion and the Law
(3) Bring Impeachment into the Light
(4) Democrats’ Election Bill Allows The Government To Define ‘Legitimate News’
(5) China’s Disguised Global Threat Comes Alive