House Democrats are now demanding that the “whistleblower” be allowed to testify by letter. This marks another step forward in the impeachment narrative. Yesterday it was from behind a curtain with the voice artificially distorted. Today it’s by letter. Tomorrow it will be from Elon Musk’s Mars colony.
The excuse for this is the evergreen “death threats,” but this is even less likely the case than in other instances. A CIA operative is frightened by anonymous death threats? Are you sure?
So what could real explanation be? Let us count the ways:
- The witness is balking. Following the complete public humiliations of Mrs. Christine Blasey Ford and Robert Mueller, Crusader for Justice, this could well be case. Blasey Ford was a reluctant witness finally pushed into appearing by the Democrats – wisely so, as it developed. In that, at least, she was smarter than her handlers. Vague threats is one thing; the certainty of being turned into a universal punchline for all time to come is something else altogether.
- Beyond that, there’s the fact that this is totally new legal ground – never has something as grave as a presidential impeachment been based on a reed as flimsy as a single whistleblower. One wrong step and the witness will be spending the rest of his days in one court or another, if not worse.
See Also:
(1) The Clintons: Flesh-eating disease of the American body politic
(2) Turns out Biden’s family not the only one to benefit from Ukrainian fossil fuels
(5) Fight the Good Fights, Normals Tell Prez