The Quebec-Ontario leaders debates are over. There will be none in the ROC (Rest of Canada). All parties agree that this is a good thing. For it is unquestionable that should they start paying attention to people who willingly choose to live outside the civilized parts of Canada in the bunch of second-tier provinces or the pure hinterland of the three territories, citizens there might get used to the attention. And then they would come to expect it every damn time there’s an election.
As one party insider close to the leadership of the Liberals (whom I’ve just made up on the spot to give the story some anecdotal body) put it, “Can you imagine us having to go to Alberta or, heaven forbid, New Brunswick every four years and having our leaders debate in front of people who drive pickups or shop at Winners?” My phantom source shudders: “The very thought of it is hideous.”
Otherwise I haven’t much to say about the Quebec-Ontario debates, except to agree with most people that of the six on stage only Jagmeet Singh sang. The rest fudged and shouted and evaded as only dedicated politicians can. It should be noted that unwontedly, Justin Trudeau showed up for all three debates in standard North American apparel (possibly off the rack), his face without any visible imported tint. He stayed white for all three.
As we swing closer to the 21st it is very clear that, outside some political comet-strike, only Trudeau and Andrew Scheer have a chance of leading the country for the next four years. And whether Trudeau retains office or Scheer assumes office depends entirely on Mr. Trudeau.
See Also:
(1) Give flawed Conservative platform its due — it is the closest to fiscal conservatism
(3) Who is a journalist? The question that won’t leave Canadians alone
(4) People’s Party won’t take action against N.S. candidate who called Islam ‘pure evil’
(5) In battleground B.C., Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have been hit where it hurts