February 14, 2025
His splendid isolation, his solitary retro-kinkiness on the eve of the third decade of the twenty-first century, is surely worthy of examination.
Why are Canada's media prostrating themselves before Justin's Mandingo shtick? Well, because they're minstrels, too, going through the charade of journalism.
Why are Canada’s media prostrating themselves before Justin’s Mandingo shtick? Well, because they’re minstrels, too, going through the charade of journalism.

In the Canadian election, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has unveiled the centrepiece of its platform:

A re-elected Liberal government will expand the Learn To Camp program.

Under the Learn To Camp program, every Canadian will be provided with a tub of boot polish, a novelty turban, a jewel to stick in your belly button, and genie slippers with curly toes, and trained how to swish across a Vancouver ballroom while asking other guests to tally your banana.

Oh, wait, sorry, that was last week’s Justin story. In America a ten-minute phone call to some fellow in Kiev is all the pretext you need for two years of multi-million-dollar investigation. But in Canada the news that the Prime Minister has spent half his adult life as the world’s wokest mammy singer is just a blip in the day’s news cycle, soon to be supplanted by a genuinely eye-catching scandal such as whether or not the Tory leader had a valid license from the Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan or the Canadian Association of Insurance Brokers back in 1997, or 1978, or whenever. You can understand why the Canadian media would rather stampede after the Andrew Scheer scandal: what journalist with a nose for a great red-meat story wouldn’t prefer chasing down the officially approved accreditation from the Department of Paperwork’s archives than, say, the fruiterer who supplies the Prime Minstrel with his trouser bananas. Was Justin accredited by the Minstrelsy Council of Quebec or the Canadian Association of Burnt Cork Fetishists? Would that make the story more interesting for the CBC et al?


See Also:

(1) Flurry of attacks but no knockouts in chaotic federal leaders’ debate

(2) Scheer gets aggressive with Trudeau in debate punch-up

(3) ‘Is it perfect? Of course not’: Andrew Scheer says Canadian history should be celebrated — warts and all

(4) After debate big on partisanship not leadership, voters are the real losers

(5) Disgraced Trudeau advisor spreads misinformation about Conservatives