Police are investigating after an elderly woman using a walker was stopped from an event featuring Maxime Bernier by protesters shouting, “Nazi scum, off our streets.”
In a video widely circulating, the white-haired woman is walking over a crossing toward Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ont., on Sunday when her way is barred by three masked protesters. The protesters continually shout at the woman and her elderly male companion.
“Hamilton police are aware of the incident involving a senior with a walker who was barred from entering the Maxime Bernier event by counter protesters,” Hamilton Police spokesperson David Hennick wrote in an email.
Once police were aware of what was happening, officers intervened and escorted the couple into the venue.
The couple have not filed a complaint, he said, but police are still reviewing video evidence from the event, which could lead to potential charges.
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“Hamilton police are aware of the incident involving a senior with a walker who was barred from entering the Maxime Bernier event by counter protesters,” Hamilton Police spokesperson David Hennick wrote in an email.
“The Hamilton police are aware”…. Oh whoop-de-f**ing- doo. Are they also aware that law enforcement is not a spectator sport? Or refereeing? You’d never know it watching their performance yesterday. Unprepared? Cripes have management been living under a rock since these so-called Antifa assholes began tearing civilized society a new one? That’d be incompetent management. Stand down orders? That’d be management ‘politics’.. Law abiding senior citizens were threatened and denied their basic human rights. Why is it that our senior citizens like these two, ya people who actually built this country have no rights yet the border invading swarms of foreigners who did absolutely nothing for this country (and few ever will) are guaranteed every single human right under our Constitution? Canadians should demand no less than the arrest of these thugs, demasking, identified publicly including photographs. If the Hamilton Police haven’t got the investigative ability to identify these people then the citizens of that city have my sincere sympathy. These violent thugs demonstrated that they control the streets at will and with no fear of consequences. But like the cockroaches they are take off their masks, shine the light of public identification on them and watch how tough they are. When their parents find out what they have been up to…
The majority Trudeau government could do something beneficial for the entire country for a change. This face mask crap has got to be stopped cold. Amend the law. If necessary invoke the Not Withstanding Clause. They could do it in 15 minutes. Do it now. By the way, where is next to useless Scheer? Why isn’t he calling for Trudeau to do just that? Or promising to change the law as such if elected? Can there be any doubt that the vast majority of Canadians would support him? No, of course not.