In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that if the British Supreme Court is clearly taking political positions, it’s time to introduce some kind of accountability to keep the court in check.
“I respect the judgment of the Supreme Court very humbly and very sincerely,” the PM and Tory leader says. “However, they did choose to adjudicate on the question of whether or not Parliament should be using this particular period to be discussing Brexit … And in so doing it seems to me that the justices intruded onto an acutely sensitive political question, at a time of great national controversy.”
The consequences of that judgment, he says, have not “been fully evaluated.” Once they are, Johnson implies, there could be serious repercussions for the British Supreme Court.
“It will take a while to be worked through,” he went on. “But I think, if judges are to pronounce on political questions in this way, then there is at least an argument that there should be some form of accountability. The lessons of America are relevant.”
Earlier this month, Britain’s Supreme Court ruled Johnson’s suspension of Parliament to be illegal. The decision was a terrible blow to Johnson and to pro-Brexit forces in general, but there’s also a good side to it: it forces everybody to show their true colors. From judges to members of Parliament, they now have to show where they stand with regards to democracy. Do “We The People” reign supreme or not?
See Also:
(2) Boris Johnson tells EU to forget extension – reveals ‘game changing’ deal
(3) Redwood vows Tories will take action after Supreme Court ruling – ‘Judges must be careful’
(4) Boris Johnson laughs off leaked Brexit proposal as ‘not true’
(5) Dithering, divided, hopeless: Remain plot to sabotage Brexit in chaos after in-fighting