There’s so much to say about Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment gig that one hardly knows where to start. But here’s a live possibility: We start with Sen. Lindsey Graham’s characterization of how this game is to be played.
We’re trying to “try the president of the United States based on hearsay,” the South Carolina senator says; on the claims, that is, of unidentified actors and agents for whose credentials Mrs. Pelosi isn’t prepared to vouch publicly: though, inasmuch as these claims seem to put the president in constitutional jeopardy, Mrs. Pelosi apparently believes them. Take my word for it, she says: “A president of the United States would withhold military assistance paid for by taxpayers to shake down the leader of a foreign country unless he did him a political favor — that is so, so clear.”
Except that it’s not clear in the least. Nor is it likely to become clearer in the context of the cynical brawl to which the House speaker has lent her authority, whose outcome none can reliably predict, certainly not the Speaker herself.
Back to Sen. Graham’s indisputable charge, that hearsay evidence is the force driving this locomotive — to wherever. Fans of Perry Mason used to know about hearsay. It’s saying something happened because a second party told you it happened. Or someone else told the somebody who told you. Upon hearing hearsay testimony from the witness box, Perry would forcibly interrupt. “Objection, your honor. This is hearsay. Witness did not see the document signed/the gun pointed/the car stolen.” “Objection sustained,” the judge would reply, taking Mason’s point. On from there, with Mr. District Attorney Burger obliged by the rules of evidence to prove so and so really, truly happened.
Consider the quality of the “evidence” in the whistleblower complaint. “I have received information … ” “Attorney General Barr appears to be involved … ” “Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. officials have informed me … ” “The information provided herein was relayed to me … ” “I was not a direct witness to most of the events described … ” “[I]n almost all cases, multiple officials recounted fact patterns … ”
Objection, your honor! “I have received” — received what, exactly? And when? And from whom? “Appears to be involved” — appears to whom? And the basis for that judgement is what? “More than a half dozen U.S. officials.” May we have names? May we have credentials? And possible motives?
See Also:
(1) Grassley: It’s Time to Follow Up on My July 2017 Letter About the DNC and Ukraine
(3) Mukasey Op-ed Should Strike Fear in Democrats
(4) McConnell Says Senate Has ‘No Choice’ But to Take Up Impeachment Vote if House Charges Trump
(5) Did The Inspector General’s Office Help The ‘Whistleblower’ Try To Frame Trump?