We battlecons are torn over the Democrats’ decision to be dumb enough to double-down on impeaching the President after three years of non-stop humiliation. Crusty Bob Mueller was a bust, their hero Michael Avenatti is looking at hard time in every sense of the word, and they were stunned to find that a huge portion of the American people thought it was pretty cool to have a POTUS who could score with Playboy Playmates.
On the one hand, it’s bad because this impeachment garbage is bad for the country. The damage it is doing to our institutions – really, that our institutions are doing to themselves in their shameful service of the liberal elite’s power grabs – is incalculable. Remember 10 years ago when we conservatives trusted and respected the FBI and our intelligence community? Good times. Well, that’s over. It will be decades before a woke Republican is stupid enough to trust them again.
But on the other hand, we now have an opportunity to exploit their strategic blunder in order to rip them apart next November. We have a chance to teach the Democrats, to the extent they are trainable, that their socialist-curious, corporatist nanny state dreams are electoral strychnine.
Letting these creeps steal our country from us is worse than the resulting carnage from the fight they’ve picked. We could roll over, but instead we’ll take the hit to keep our liberty. In the end, after many figurative casualties, impeachment is going to boomerang on these clowns. The elite insiders are willfully blind to the fact that the key question to Normal Americans will be, “What was that brother’s widow-marrying, coke-snorting, kicked-out-of-the-Navy-in-disgracing, non-Ukrainian-speaking loser scion doing getting paid $50K a month by an oligarch that wasn’t directly related to his gropey pa being Obama’s veep/court jester?”
See Also:
(1) Democrats are ‘panicking’ as illegal spying is set to be revealed, says Dan Bongino
(3) Impeachment? Bring it on. Trump can put the Dems on trial in the Senate
(5) Senators Demand Answers On DNC Efforts To Get Ukrainian Dirt On Trump In 2016