Do I believe there will be a 2024 election? I have serious doubts, but people well above me on the totem pole believe not
Most cognizant people will agree…we live in strange times. Our current values, as dictated by our present government, have turned the country upside down. Few in this administration can be relied upon to speak any truth. They go about their business as if no one is watching. The president and his minions are incapable of good government, and are as senile as the man on top, showing signs of a government in old age lacking any fresh ideas or even patriotism. They are just going through the motions.
Biden says he is running for re-election, yet shows no sign of any campaign…strange. If you believe the polling, Biden’s approval is stuck in the 30s. He’s lost in his own home. He has to be led around like the old, barely ambulatory man he is…the new symbol of America.
The Democrats have finally decided that Biden’s and Harris’ usefulness is coming to an end. They need a new team that can take direction…a direction to a New World Order where we become just a cog in a big wheel. No more Bill of Rights or Constitution. The Left is convinced that we are not deserving to be a free and powerful nation any longer…too many past sins. But, that is just a feint.
The economic system of the entire world has run its course. We can no longer run on a debt-based economy, printing money whenever the government wants to pay for something it doesn’t need, getting into new wars, buying votes. Our banks create money from nothing, then supply it to the economy as a debt rather than lending money already in circulation. This creates inflation, constantly adding more money into the economy. The generation coming of age cannot even think of buying a home or even paying off their student loans. Instead of addressing the inefficiencies of our system, the globalist plan is to develop a Chinese-style socialist system using AI, synthetic biology, metaverse (virtual reality), and digital currency that will forever destroy privacy to become, as the globalists have said (using a Nazi accent) ‘masters of the world’…not you, the globalists.