Cold Civil War Will Intensify as Western Elite Cower
The recently concluded riots in France are a dark omen for Europe and the wider Western world. The Algerian teenager whose killing lit the fuse has been likened to George Floyd, and indeed, there are striking parallels. Both were criminals who died while refusing to cooperate with law enforcement, for starters. But that is not the story Western audiences are getting from their press. Instead, they are told he is a martyr, a victim of wicked Europe. His blood is on the hands of post-colonial France. No one has bothered to ask the native French how they feel about their country coming under attack by hostile foreigners, of course. The French must take the abuse and apologize for “systemic racism,” an American-ism that is now spreading like a cancer.
The scenes of chaos in France, and the perverse, sympathetic tone of the Western media coverage, are all too familiar in the United States. Three years have passed since the “fiery but mostly peaceful” Floyd riots that swept the country in a violent, revolutionary upheaval. A “burning car,” we read, was responsible for the attempted assassination of the family of a mayor in one of Paris’ suburbs.
Events in France concern the United States more intimately than whatever is happening in Ukraine. Treacherous elites are completely obsessed with “democracy” and “human rights” in a country far away, while they rob their own peoples of domestic security. A contrived perplexity on fighting crime, which is really a refusal to grapple with racial disparities, has left many cities uninhabitable for families. The word “racism” is deployed as a brute weapon, turned against the white inhabitants of every Western country, people who have done nothing wrong. The elites agitate for the revision of their history, the toppling of their monuments, and the radicalization of a browning population against them.