BC drug policy is a failure, give Smith’s Alberta plan a shot
‘British Columbia is on track for record year of OD deaths, why would anyone replicate their policy?’
The rising number of drug deaths in British Columbia has “experts” saying this is proof that B.C.’s move to “safe supply” and decriminalization of drugs is working.
Can everyone in the media stop calling the people lobbying for an expanded drug supply “experts” and correctly identify them as activists and lobbyists?
You can’t point to rising deaths as proof a policy must be adopted and also say it is proof that policy is working. It simply doesn’t make logical sense, but in Canada we don’t use logic or reason to make decisions on these matters, we use emotion and partisan politics.
Those in favour of increased drug supply and decriminalization are kind and compassionate. Those opposed to those policies but who advocate treatment are science deniers who want people struggling with addiction to die.
So, this week, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith ruled out her province going the safe supply route and said they will continue to focus on treatment.
“There’s no such thing as a safe supply of fentanyl. We believe that the solution is to get people off of opioids to get their lives back,” Smith told CTV’s Vassy Kapelos on Power Play.