January 21, 2025

It often puts immoral celebrities in power, not moral legislators.

Democracy is something, isn’t it? Hard to believe that the whole world does not readily embrace democracy.

Herschel Walker and John Fetterman both democratically won legitimately contested primaries for the United States Senate — democracy fair and square. One even got elected to the office.

In a lofty democracy, the people decided, based primarily on … on what? On celebrity? On name recognition? Certainly not on intelligence, not on character, not on capability, not on coherence, not on personal honor. So — celebrity, name recognition — they vote for a Jack the Ripper over Chaim Schmeryl? A Mike Huckabee can go only so far. But what of a Kamala Harris — a moron who rose politically by regularly consorting provocatively, openly, and notoriously with California’s Democrat kingmaker and accompanying him publicly to soirees while dressed like a showgirl, even though he was very publicly married?

Through democracy, she is a heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Imagine her confronting Putin or Xi or Kim Jong Un or the fed chairman with a round of giggling.

This is democracy. Celebrity and name recognition. Money and advertising. Like running for class president in first grade: “Will you be my friend and vote for me? If you do, I will give you a piece of candy. You will? Great! Here’s a Tootsie Roll.”

Perhaps as bad as having candidates who are such lunkheads with profound moral failings is the much more worrying concern that the majority of voters — or a profoundly large quantity of them — are idiots; uninformed, clueless about the issues and candidates, a bunch are criminals, and yet they compose the difference on the bell curves in tight races deciding who runs the House, the Senate, the White House. They don’t know the issues. They barely know the names. They just know what their friends tell them. And the friends know only what their friends tell them. And it all comes down to eight seconds on TikTok.

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See Also:

The Bizarro Political World Adam Schiff Created

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