Catastrophists claim that carbon dioxide alone determines the Earth’s climate, and that we will all be safe if we only stop using fossil fuels and get to “net zero” carbon emissions by some arbitrary future date.
Mike Rowe recently opined that one thing bad people have in common is certainty.
The assumption of the climate change catastrophists is not just that horrific global warming is a possibility, but rather that it is a certainty — a 100-percent certainty.
You never hear them address the topic of probability. If you are certain about something, you don’t need to worry yourself with bothersome details such as probability.
They do often give us dates certain. Those dates come and go, and nothing happens, but the catastrophists never show the slightest regret. They just blithely make up new dates and never learn from their errors. They should have lost every bit of their credibility decades ago, but true believers remain true.
Veering into the realm of probability would get them uncomfortably close to the issue of uncertainty. Uncertainty might cause their confederates to get all squishy. Besides, the topic of probability is above the climate alarmists’ pay grade. It would make their brains hurt. It’s better just not to go there and hope no one notices.
See Also:
The Herd Morality of the Modern Day Activist