“Well, ________________ is going to totally be the thing that lets us crucify Trump! Yeah, Russia flopped and his alleged Nazi-ness failed and that weasel ex-lawyer/convict of his struck out, but we promise – this time, ___________ is going to bring him down!”
So saith CNN, the Times, the gang at LonelyNeckbeardedLeftistLoser.com and the rest of the cabinboy media, along with the carb-curious Fredocon dorks and the surviving furries, pseudo-Cherokees and other assorted Democrat weirdos currently wandering about in Iowa pestering farmers to join them for selfies. There’s always a new _____________, except the “bring him down” part just never seems to happen.
No coffee for the liberal establishment, because coffee is for closers (NSFW language, sissies). These geebos have been trying to close the deal since 2015, but all they have to do it with are the Rio Rancho leads – they never get the Glengarry leads that will put a stake through the heart of the Bad Orange Man.
The second most recent act in the endless fail-a-thon that is the elite’s hysterical reaction to the rise of Donald Trump was a gambit by the Stop the Hammering guy.
Lawrence O’Donnell claimed he had dirt about Russians controlling Trump because they co-signed some of his loans. He had nothing. Putting aside that when someone guarantees your debts you have leverage over him, Larry the Laughingstock had to apologize when his baloney turned to Schiff.
MC Hammered should have known that when it comes to Trump, you can’t touch this. But these leftist toadies never, ever learn.
See Also:
(2) Ukraine controversy turns into double-edged sword for Biden
(3) Source says whistleblower didn’t have ‘firsthand knowledge’ of Trump call with Ukraine president
(4) Trump’s competition unbelievably stupid
(5) Trump claims Nobel Peace Prize is rigged against him (Jack: What was your first clue, Sherlock?)