Sound familiar? Remember that?
The oldtimers do. It was an actual slogan deployed in the 1972 federal election campaign. Didn’t work out too well.
In yesterday walks tomorrow, they say, and that is certainly true when one compares 1972 to 2019. The similarities are striking.
– In 1972, a Trudeau led the Liberal Party, as in 2019.
– It was a Liberal majority government seeking another majority, as now.
– Back in 1972, as in 2019, the Conservatives were led by a kind of boring, bland guy who everyone underestimated.
– The Liberals’ 1972 slogan, “the land is strong,” sucked. So does the Liberals’ 2019 slogan, “Choose Forward.” It’s ungrammatical and uninspiring.
But the Justin Trudeau folks are wedded to their crummy slogan, just like Justin’s Dad was to his. Everywhere Trudeau the younger goes, he robotically repeats the “choose forward” mantra, and no one knows exactly what it means.
That’s never a good idea politically, but it’s potentially lethal when a scandal hits — like the blackface scandal. When you have no positive message, it makes it easier for a negative message to take its place. And blackface has.
See Also:
(1) It’s time to call Trudeau to account
(2) Bad enough Liberals want your vote, they also want your home
(3) ‘The Liberals are lying’: Woman says she was with Trudeau and Faith Goldy when they had drinks
(4) Failure to disclose leads to failure of leadership
(5) Singh says he won’t be used as Trudeau PR ‘tool’ to help him deal with blackface