September 10, 2024
Daily Life in the New York Times Pigpen
This is where the New York Times has ended up, as a producer and consumer of swill and slop.
This is where the New York Times has ended up, as a producer and consumer of swill and slop.

We live in extraordinary times, do we not? No one of whom I am aware can remember, so far as I am aware, discussion of the sexual apparatus of a Supreme Court justice accused, prior or subsequent to confirmation, of reprehensible sexual behavior at a college party.

Was Earl Warren so accused? Was David Souter? Was Ruth Bader Ginsburg? There was the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill mashup, to be sure, the facts of which — Coca Cola cans and all — proved to be beyond proof, with many hoping we’d seen the last of he-said-she-said battles over, at bottom, matters of constitutional interpretation.

Then came l’affaire Brett Kavanaugh, whose history hardly needs rehearsing — in large measure because various progressives seem unable to live with their failure in 2018 to produce evidence of anything wrong with a justice they just don’t trust. A man accused of sexual abuse plain has to be guilty — right? — or Donald Trump wouldn’t have nominated him to our highest bench.

So here comes Round II in the battle to pull down Mr. Justice Kavanaugh by making life as miserable as possible for him. The charge? Of course. Sexual misconduct — you can read the New York Times for the full scoop — with guilt imputed to Kavanaugh in his Yale days by a Yale student of non-elite social background, Deborah Ramirez. Kavanaugh is supposed to have … well, you can read it in the Times if your stomach is resilient. A few of us journalistic old-timers are feeling creaky and cranky over the liberties today’s media take concerning truths that turn out not to be so true.


See Also:

(1) ‘Squad’ member Pressley pushing Kavanaugh impeachment inquiry, despite allegation concerns

(2) As Trump calls for resignations, NYT finger-pointing begins on deceptive Kavanaugh hit piece

(3) Times’ latest smear is just another ugly warning to Kavanaugh

(4) Will 2020 Dems retract calls to impeach Kavanaugh after latest smear collapse?

(5) Senior Democrats Dismiss Kavanaugh Impeachment
