Last week’s Federal Court of Appeal ruling on the Trans-Mountain pipeline expansion is another sorry reminder that courts — not elected governments — are now making energy policy in Canada.
The decision’s short-term effects are probably minimal. Following last year’s judicial veto of TMX, the Trudeau government spent 10 months consulting the Indigenous groups affected by the proposed pipeline twinning. Presumably, the government has the documentation to prove it has fulfilled its “duty to consult,” although it remains a mystery as to why the federal lawyers did not include this evidence in their initial submission to the court.
But the longer-term effect is another reminder to the investment community — Canadian and foreign — that energy policy in Canada is no longer made by elected governments, but by a well-connected coalition of activist judges, Indigenous groups and climate change activists — the latter two funded by wealthy anti-oil, anti-pipeline American foundations like Tides and Rockefeller.
Their strategy for blocking new export pipelines is simple: death by delay. Time is money. The more delays, the more expensive the project. So the anti-pipeline coalition files multiple legal challenges to each new pipeline; appeals every loss to a higher court, then starts all over again with a different issue. And it works. The pipeline graveyard is filling up. Northern Gateway and Energy East are dead and buried. Keystone XL and the Line 3 expansion are tied up in U.S. courts.
But the longer-term effect is another reminder to the investment community — Canadian and foreign — that energy policy in Canada is no longer made by elected governments, but bya well-connected coalition of activist judges, Indigenous groups and climate change activists — the latter two funded by wealthy anti-oil, anti-pipeline American foundations like Tides and Rockefeller.
Oh, as highlighted there’s much more to it than that IMO. CSIS and the RCMP need to conduct an extensive investigation into what foreign entities are undermining Canada’s economy by funding these radical anti-oil groups. There is much to be extremely suspicious of, driven via the deep pockets of Canadian energy opponents. This is their goal and they are highly successful. “Saudi oil” brigade — politicians, industry lobbyists and media … “made Canada more dependent on foreign energy by killing Energy … Or how about this “Saudi oil still gets a pass on Trudeau’s enviro rules and taxes”. Why is that? Another fact that needs a close examination as Trudeau stifles Canadian energy production while giving foreign energy suppliers to our eastern market a free pass. Why is that? Could it be this?
Since Trudeau became Liberal leader in April 2013, gifts to the foundation have increased significantly. Donations went from $172,211 in the 2014 fiscal year to $731,753 in 2016 — a four-fold increase. From 2008 to 2013, the foundation had no foreign donations, but it has brought in a growing amount of foreign money in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Foreign donations jumped from $53,000 in the 2014 fiscal year to $535,000 in 2016 — a ten-fold increase.
What the hell is going on? Where exactly is this foreign money coming from? Why the huge increase in foreign $$$ pouring into the Trudeau Foundation coffers since Trudeau got elected? Canadian energy producers get penalized but Saudis don’t? A fish rots from the head down. So does a country.
From the Fraser Institute – In 2018, after accounting for quality differences and transportation costs, the depressed prices for Canadian heavy crude oil resulted in CA$20.6 billion in foregone revenues for the Canadian energy industry. This significant loss is equivalent to approximately 1 percent of Canada’s national GDP.
Foreigners funding the undermining or our economy is declaring economic war on our country. What is the federal government doing about it? SFA! The government could pass a law in a heartbeat making it illegal for these Canadian environmental groups to accept foreign money. If it wanted to. But it doesn’t. This is bullshit. Where’s Andrew Scheer on this issue? Oh…never mind. At least somebody is fighting for Canada…
Anyone in Canada who knows anything about the target on the back of Canadian oil and gas knows the name Vivian Krause. Everyone else should.
Krause’s name has become synonymous with the fight against the concerted effort by U.S. oil interests working to land-lock Canadian oil and gas by using environmental groups to protest against the industry with the stated aim of grinding development to a halt. Krause is a one-woman wrecking crew to the wall of secrecy behind that foreign plan, which she has almost single-handedly exposed by painstakingly following the money trail.
On Wednesday, during a speech at the Indigenous Energy Summit at the Grey Eagle Event Centre, the B.C. researcher extraordinaire warned the Indian Resource Council (IRC) of just what kind of opposition it will face if it pushes forward with a plan to purchase the Trans Mountain pipeline from the federal government.
From the Financial Port
This loss of revenue has far-reaching consequences — it means less investment, less job-creation and ultimately less prosperity for Canadians.
Unless Canadians are willing to continue to incur large losses and less investment, Ottawa and several key provincial governments must co-operate to get pipelines built.
When pigs fly. Too much dark money involved IMO. Canada is for sale by our politicians and in more ways than one.