The clownish antics of Tex Kennedy, that drunk driving furry and El Paso punchline, are much less funny now that he is promising to convert millions of Americans into felons and send armed government agents to their homes to steal their constitutionally-guaranteed property. Maybe he doesn’t know – whether due to pharmaceuticals or simply because he’s stupid – that two Democratic administrations ago, right up the road, the feds sent a bunch of armed men to take the forbidden guns of some people who were minding their own business and it turned out poorly. That debacle resulted in four dead ATF agents and over 70 dead civilians – including dozens of kids the feds burned alive.
Too bad that ridiculous dwarf George Stephoplatypus didn’t query The Waco Kid on how many Waco reruns he and his fascist friends are willing to accept to show us rubes who’s boss.
After all, that’s what this AR-15 immoral panic is all about. There are 20 million scary fake “assault weapons” out there in the safest of all possible hands – that of American citizens for use in defending themselves, their families, their communities and their Constitution. How many of them were used this year by scumbags to hurt other people in the mass shootings that get exponentially more coverage than the blue city bloodbaths that are exponentially worse?
We had what? Two recent incidents? Two? In Chicago, two shooting incidents is a slow hour. Two in 20 million – I like those odds.
See Also:
(1) Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns
(2) Hands Off the Electoral College
(3) Warren’s plans for Big Tech and Big Banks are big trouble
(4) Why Bernie Sanders’ ‘overpopulation’ theory is total bunk
(5) Booker: ‘Demagogues’ Are ‘Fear-Mongering’ about Police Confiscating Assault Weapons