December 5, 2024
Debate Boredom and the Disconnected Democrats
Every time there is another boring, wonkish, disconnected Democratic debate like this, the 2020 Trump victory will become bigger and bigger.
Every time there is another boring, wonkish, disconnected Democratic debate like this, the 2020 Trump victory will become bigger and bigger.

Remember the exciting, unpredictable, entertaining quality of the 2015-2016 Republican presidential debates?

Who would candidate Donald Trump take down this week?

How would Trump dominate the media questioners yet again?

Whether you were for Trump, appalled by him, or just curious, each debate was worth watching.

Trump was so different – and so cheerfully direct and aggressive – that people began to see the debates as a sort of reality TV (which is what they should be). Our country is better when more people actually want to watch debates and participate in elections.

By contrast, Thursday’s boring, old-time politician tone was painful to sit through.

At one point, Senator Kamala Harris acknowledged the bizarre, boring nature of the debate. After 30 minutes of policy wonk jargon about incomprehensible details of health policy, Harris remarked, “this discussion has given the American people a headache.”

You could like or dislike Trump, but you can’t imagine a participant in a Trump-energized debate saying – as Mayor Pete Buttigieg did – that the presidential debates “are becoming unwatchable.”


See Also:

(1) Biden Bumbles On

(2) Joe Biden’s teeth took away all his political bite

(3) In Third Democratic Debate, Candidates Avoid Talking About The Economy Even As They Claim A Recession Looms

(4) Third Dem Debate Leaves Major Health-Care Questions Unanswered

(5) Appeals Court Permits Emoluments-Clause Lawsuit against Trump to Proceed


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