January 19, 2025
Tory, Ford temper tantrums pointless
Both need to show leadership in making responsible decisions — together — to right government finances. And the time is now.
Both need to show leadership in making responsible decisions — together — to right government finances. And the time is now.

Toronto Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Doug Ford publicly insulting each other isn’t going to address the fact the previous Wynne-McGuinty government at Queen’s Park left the province’s books in a complete mess.

After 15 years of reckless spending, the provincial Liberals reduced Ontario to one of the world’s most indebted non-national borrowers.

To fix this, Ford’s Progressive Conservative government, and the recipients of provincial funding — including municipalities — are going to have to reduce spending.

That’s a thankless but necessary job.

No government likes to reduce spending.

It means some recipients of provincial funding will have to make do with less.

But given the dismal state of the province’s finances, it’s imperative and inevitable.

Tory knows that — he used to rail against waste by the Dalton McGuinty Liberal government when he was the leader of the Progressive Conservatives at Queen’s Park.

He knew then there would have to be a day of reckoning.

That day has arrived.


See Also:

(1) Ford government’s fiscal approach fraught with risk

(2) ‘Team Toronto’ tries to drown me out

(3) Public service pay cut in order

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