Pete Buttigieg, like Elwood Blues, is on a mission from God — or so he seems to think. Penguins beware.
Buttigieg has managed to make an impression on the impressionable by insisting that God must surely regard air pollution as, in the idiotic idiom of the time, “messed up.” The sin of presumption apparently has been omitted from Mayor Pete’s negligent Episcopalian Sunday school curriculum.
It is remarkable how far this meretricious kind of thing goes with the mush-brained partisans who dominate our political discourse in anno Domini 2019. Christian conservatives were writing about the moral relevance of environmental attitudes as early as the 1930s: T. S. Eliot, noting contemporary concerns about soil erosion and unwelcome changes in agricultural practice, argued that “a wrong attitude towards nature implies, somewhere, a wrong attitude towards God.” Papal encyclicals and apostolic letters have addressed related subjects. Volumes have been written on them. To this, Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg of Harvard and Pembroke College, Oxford, adds:
“Messed up.”
The usual hearts twittered in the usual way. Why? Because they feel the sanctifying presence of the Paraclete? No, because they detect in this line of rhetoric an opportunity to wrong-foot Republicans, who take up their crosses and their AR-15s alternately. It is cheap rhetoric, but it is the sort of thing you’ll enjoy if you enjoy that sort of thing. “Take it up with Jesus, loser!”
See Also:
(1) Ilhan Omar Challenged in Minnesota by Muslim Reformers
(2) Did Robert Mueller Help Saudi Arabia Cover Up Its Role in 9/11 Attacks?
(3) Justice Gorsuch slams view that judges should be political actors shaping outcomes
(4) Warren smartly sneaking up on weak, bloodshot Biden from the left
(5) Nadler’s Fake Impeachment Inquiry