February 14, 2025
Attack policy, don't harass politicians
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is pictured on Dec. 20, 2018.
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is pictured on Dec. 20, 2018.

In a recent Canadian Press story, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says that a man pulled his car up to her and her children to hurl expletives at her as they left a movie theatre.

We’ve spoken out strongly against McKenna’s coveted carbon tax and have previously critiqued her in this space for some of her disrespectful rhetoric towards those who disagree with her policies.

That said, all fair minded Canadians must draw the line at the scene she describes. By all means, attack a politician’s policies and offer your firm critiques of them on social media. But verbally harassing a politician in front of their family is not something any politician, regardless of their policies, should have to endure.

Recently, Republican politicians and staff associated with President Donald Trump found themselves harassed at restaurants and on the street. Top rated television personality Tucker Carlson faced protests at his house.

These antics were sadly encouraged by the likes of Democratic politician Maxine Waters. She and others were playing a dangerous game.

Most people in Canadian media and political circles likewise felt it was wrong when a camera crew showed up at the home of Gerald Butts in the middle of the Lavscam furor. Butts’ spouse chastised the media for intruding on their family life when her husband was taking the kids to school.


See Also:

(1) Dodging debates not a new Trudeau strategy

(2) Desperate Liberals try blaming Trudeau’s unpopularity on bots 

(3) Misleading Trudeau ‘joke’ video demonstrates the political power of editing

(4) After All We Are A Nation of Immigrants

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September 10, 2019 7:41 am

Wise words, but something about this episode stinks. Seriously. Just before the start of an election, we’re supposed to believe on her word that our Environment Minister is in danger from unruly redneck Climate Deniers and requires protection? We’re supposed to feel sympathy for her? Just before an election call? There’s no supporting evidence?

Sorry, not buying it. Nor anything else that comes out of her mouth.