January 16, 2025
Joe Biden Needs An Intervention
Joe is the Gaffe-O-Matic, with a new embarrassment every day exuding from his ever-open piehole.
Joe is the Gaffe-O-Matic, with a new embarrassment every day exuding from his ever-open piehole.

Joe Biden leads the Democrat pack and he’s a catastrophe, meaning that we have to weigh the human kindness that compels us to seek to end his humiliation against the practical reality that this doddering establishment weirdo will get squashed by Donald Trump like a dung beetle under a steamroller. Or even like an ex-Beatle under a steamroller – Biden is the Pete Best of American politics, the guy who never quite made it. Except Pete Best wasn’t a gropey, senile, corrupt Democrat plagiarist with delusions of adequacy.

And every day, [Pick A Nickname] Joe is getting worse. 

Now, Joe used to have this kind of goofy charm. He was and remains a doofus, but a harmless one, sort of like that dorky neighbor who makes circus music play in your head every time he wanders over to your yard to tell you a long and ultimately pointless story about how he saw a squirrel and the squirrel had a nut and it was a fuzzy squirrel and it lived in a tree and how he likes squirrels.

But his regular guy act is wearing a bit thin. His appeal used to be that of someone who liked Budweiser and talking about sports and who did not give off the kind of smarmy condescension vibe to normal people who work for a living that is now so typical of blue state libs. You were talking about the old Joe when you talked about old school Dems, the party of the workin’ man instead of the party of the illegal alien, government drone and bitter SJW. These salt-of-the-earth folks were the very people that Trump – who spent his whole career working with union guys to build stuff instead of bloviating for a living like the New Class elites are wont to do – appealed to and stole right out from under the Democrat coalition. Not that many Democrats minded losing the white working class – Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit famously wrote off people who sweat when they work, probably because of all that unjust privilege held by guys who drive Mac trucks or fix toilets.


See Also:

(1) Labor Day: The start of 2020 ‘crazy season’

(2) Trump in a Landslide: Here’s Why

(3) Months After Mueller Report, Media Russia Truthers Are Embarrassing And Sad

(4) Evidence request by Flynn’s lawyer seeks to expose Clinton-FBI alliance in Russia probe

(5) What Was Free about Our Trade Relationship with China before Trump?

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