February 13, 2025
The Europeans now know they need to take Boris Johnson seriously
Johnson has thrown away the scabbard, and Brussels and, more relevantly, Paris and Berlin, can be in no doubt that the chicken game is over
Johnson has thrown away the scabbard, and Brussels and, more relevantly, Paris and Berlin, can be in no doubt that the chicken game is over

No one in this country should underestimate the significance, for Canada and the world, of British prime minister Boris Johnson’s ingenious measure for assuring the end of the crisis of immobilized government that has possessed the United Kingdom in the last three years. In 2016, 52 per cent of a heavy turn-out of British voters chose to leave the European Union. The minority voted to remain — there was no option on the ballot for a compromise. The stark choice was selected by former prime minister David Cameron, because he was convinced that there was no chance that Britain, whatever its level of grumbling, would choose to “crash out” of the association with Europe in which the political elites were comfortable.

The British are the wrong electorate to bluff with such an artificially polar choice. The European Union has had the habit of simply ignoring negative votes in member countries and of waiting for the national governments to frighten their populations into reconsidering their rash decisions. This was what happened with the French, the Danes, and the Irish, and on the second try, the Unionists won. But those votes were not on such fundamental issues, and the negative votes were against the wishes of the incumbent governing parties, and no other European country has such an extensive history in world-wide activities or is as geographically insular as Britain.


See Also:

(1) Boris Johnson threatens to SACK Tory Remainer MPs who vote to block No Deal

(2) The Queen Just Suspended Parliament. Here’s How That Affects Brexit

(3) Thousands of protesters to flood streets across UK over Parliament suspension

(4) Fox News host stunned as Farage predicts ‘end of EU’ within two years if Brexit delivered

(5) Salvini Blasts New Italian Government As Least Democratic Ever