September 9, 2024
‘Her penis’ and the dangers of trans doublethink...
When we pretend that a male sex offender can identify as a woman, we put actual women in danger.

A fabulous example of doublethink was published this week. The Daily Record claimed a ‘Scot flashed her penis and used sex toy in public leaving onlookers shocked’. The pronoun ‘her’ was eventually removed from the headline, after much justified ridicule on social media.

But the details of the story are serious. A sex offender had been found to have ‘pleasured himself’ in view of an unwilling audience, including children. Witnesses agreed that the person they saw was ‘a male’, with one describing him as wearing ‘an ill-fitting black wig, a ra-ra skirt and a midriff-length top’.

The Glasgow-born male, who goes by the name of Chloe Thompson, has 17 convictions for 22 offences and was still under a suspended-sentence order at the time of this incident. In 2011, when he was known as Andrew McNab, he sexually assaulted an underage person and was put on the Sex Offenders Register. But today, thanks to the tireless work of transgender-lobby groups like Stonewall, the likes of Chloe, if sentenced to prison, could be incarcerated in a women’s prison. What could possibly go wrong?

In England, politicians are starting to wake up to the clusterfuck of horror that has been ushered in, in the name of ‘trans rights’. Eighteen months ago, equalities minister Liz Truss shelved proposals that would have made getting a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) easier. But in Scotland, the government is speeding full-throttle towards allowing men like Thompson to legally identify as women. Moreover, new hate-crime legislation could criminalise those who complain about this impending safeguarding scandal.

Obviously, it would be unfair to characterise every person who wants to change legal gender as a sex offender. But the fact is men like Thompson will abuse the process.

[Interesting Read]

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