September 10, 2024
All hail Laurie Penny, brave spokeswoman for the downtrodden bourgeoisie.
Us lizard and gammon – reptiles and pigs – are the true oppressors, while they, the endlessly fascinating gender-experimenting new elites, are the true victims. Now that, my friends, is gaslighting.

Is anyone else sick and tired of public life being dominated by the neuroses of the upper middle classes? The petty concerns of the self-pitying rich have colonised politics, culture and the media. Newspapers overflow with sob stories from plummy writers about the horror of being misgendered or the abject terror of someone asking them, ‘But where are you really from?’. Netflix is a hotbed of dramas about privileged suicidal teens and their goddamn pronouns. MPs and celebrities and princes tell all about their struggles with mental illness. Bipolar is all the rage. It’s the new adopting babies from Africa in the celeb world. Schools have been overrun by PhD-wielding culture warriors telling teenage girls to bind their shameful breasts and reprimanding infants who aren’t au fait with all the new linguistic rules on race, gender and sexuality. Even the once stiff civil service now regularly invites in race-baiting columnists and think-tankers to drone on about the horrors of life in ‘white supremacist’ Britain.

We are drowning in a sea of neuroses. Day-to-day life feels like living in the brain of a posh person who has mistaken having hang-ups for a personality. I feel like I’ve accidentally gatecrashed someone’s therapy session. Browse Instagram and there’s Lena Dunham going on about being fat or having recovered from addiction. Switch on a political-discussion show and I guarantee you’ll see an earnest middle-class campaigner explaining how racism is getting worse and worse. Fourth-wave feminists collate every instance of ‘sexism’, such as when the waiter gave the bill to their boyfriend rather than to them. Patriarchy! The Smart Set really is neurotically convinced that it is surrounded by dim, bovine racists, xenophobes, transphobes and fascists and that Brexit Britain is one angry Daily Mail leader away from the next Beer Hall Putsch. And of course they’re all traumatised. Or exhausted. Feeling exhausted is the new feeling traumatised. ‘I’m so tired’, say the upper-class neurotics, which is amazing given none of them has ever done a day’s work.

Now – because why not? – Laurie Penny has served up peak posh neurosis. Her new book, Sexual Revolution: Modern Fascism and the Feminist Fightback, is the ultimate expression of the political, sexual and cultural hang-ups that have become so vogue among the well-brought-up, socially aware set. Seriously, this book is crackers. At first it’s depressing – Ms Penny paints an image of the West in which women are kept in line by threats of rape, where fragile white men with ‘sweaty hands’ (?) are making life miserable for minorities, and where everything exists within a ‘framework of trauma’. Ready my noose! But eventually it becomes funny. It’s so relentlessly grim that all you can do is laugh. If you tell yourself it’s parody – parody of those intense millennials from privileged backgrounds who have managed to convince themselves that they’re oppressed – you will enjoy it enormously. Five stars!

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) UK weather warning: Storm Franklin to wreak mayhem within HOURS – Met Office alert issued

(2) Von der Leyen ignored AGAIN on world stage as Macron scrambles to save face

(3) ‘Monstrous’ new stealth tax to hit MILLIONS – fury erupts as Rishi’s raid exposed

(4) Freedom Convoy scattered as European cities clamp down

(5) Squirming Boris stonewalls on Partygate for 10 MINUTES in BBC interview refusing to say whether he will quit if police fine him for breaking lockdown
