September 10, 2024
Watch the missiles fly...
Experts in Washington are all well and good — until somebody lets them out into the real world with actual power.

Former President Donald Trump’s foreign policy doctrine was simple and direct. The first rule was: America First. The second rule was: America First. The third rule was: See rules one and two.

Of course, Mr. Trump expected that other countries would also seek their own interests first. As a realist in foreign policy, he welcomed that rivalry of interests. Mr. Trump reveled in negotiations with such rivals with the gusto of a flashy New York businessman.

Allies and adversaries alike appreciated the simple clarity of the Trump Doctrine. And allies especially appreciated the American strength that emanates from an America First posture.

Few allies benefitted more from the Trump Doctrine than the 25 million South Koreans living around this capital city, hard against a nuclear fault line with their communist neighbor to the north. “Little Rocket Man,” as Mr. Trump memorably coined North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, took notice.

Mr. Kim, or “LRM,” understood the Trump doctrine and politely put his weapons away after Mr. Trump reminded him that America, too, had a nuclear button. And its was bigger.

It has been barely a year since Mr. Trump left office, replaced by the most heralded foreign policy expert Washington ever invented. President Biden boasts foreign policy chops that in Washington even outshine those of failed former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

Which is to say, he is a complete and total unmitigated disaster on the world stage. He has swapped America First with America Last. Mr. Biden has turned the American flag into a doormat for all the world’s problems.

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See Also:

(1) Schlichter: The Entire Regime Media Needs to Collapse in a Burning Heap

(2) The Cause of Unemployment: The Utter Failure of the Welfare State

(3) Russia Expels Senior U.S. Diplomat from Moscow as Tensions over Ukraine Rise

(4) As GOP fortunes soar, Liz Cheney gets toxic even to the GOPe

(5) ‘Squad Politics’ Has Backfired Spectacularly on Democrats

