September 10, 2024
Invoking the Emergencies Act a Desperate Attempt to Delegitimize the Truckers...
As a consequence, among many consequences, Canada is now being laughed at around the world. As various mandates and COVID restrictions are tumbling like Humpty Dumpty during an earthquake, our woke leader hauls out the Big Bertha of Canadian law.

I wonder. If you go to the bank now to make a deposit or, for the few who are not broke after the last two years, take some money out, do you have to phone Chrystia Freeland first? Or will emailing a copy of the transaction to one of her aides do the job?

After this week’s clown show—I refer, of course, to General Trudeau’s introduction of the Emergencies Act—that is no longer a ridiculous question. Among the tide of follies we have been hearing from our 31 percent minority Liberal government is—I’m paraphrasing, but only slightly—that “foreign monies,” particularly American monies, being donated to the Canadian truckers protest is driving a movement for the “overthrow” of the government.

And this was not just some minor concern, but an immediate threat to the stability of our nation and its very rule. So now the banks are under orders, and must be on the watch, for suspicious accounts. After all if $25 shows up from some farmer in Arkansas in support of a peaceful protest by honest, blue-collar workers, that could tip our “peace, order and good government “ into the Rideau, and 154 years of our beautiful Confederation comes to a halt.

Our minister of public safety has been pouring extra sugar on his Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Here’s his stern and feverish declaration on the protest: “[There is a] very small, organized group driven by an ideology to overthrow the government through whatever means they may wish to use.”

Has he even talked with the drivers who came across this wide country in the deep of mid-winter? Does he ever hear what he himself is saying? Better still, did he watch the widely shared video of the protesters in Coutts when they ended their demonstration, with protesters and police hugging each other?

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Speaker cancels Emergencies Act debate on Friday due to ‘police operation’

(2) Majority have lost faith in Canada’s ability to keep peace and order in wake of trucker protests: poll

(3) The real crackdown is happening where you can’t see it

(4) Trudeau’s flimsy excuses for declaring an emergency cause concern for the future

(5) The system fights back as Trudeau faces legal challenges



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February 19, 2022 2:55 pm

Scenario #1.

Violent American Antifa and BLM caused a billion dollars damage. They burned out the core areas of multiple American cities. Destroyed businesses. Looted, murdered, assaulted citizens. They set fire to a police station with officers barricaded inside. They set fire to churches. They threw Molotov cocktails setting police officers on fire. Collaborators delivered pallets of bricks to the scenes of the riots to be used as dangerous and undeniably potentially deadly projectiles.

PM Justin Trudeau’s response? At great personal risk (suppress gag reflex) and disregarding his own safety he came out of his sterile cottage environment to make a statement. He did so in order to publicly kneel in support of the rioting anarchists.

Scenario #2.

Canadian peaceful trucker protestors. Trudeau again at great personal risk (suppress gag reflex) emerged from hiding. Again, disregarding his personal safety emerged. He did so to proudly boast that he supported worthwhile causes, such as BLM. But he would not even waste his time meeting with any Canadian fringe group of peaceful freedom loving truckers. You know, in stark contrast to those he supported. BBQ’s. Bouncy castles. Anthem singing. Hot tubs. Flag wearing. Children playing. Street hockey.

PM Justin Trudeau’s response. Trudeau again at great personal risk (suppress gag reflex) emerged from hiding. He categorically refused to meet and engage in dialogue. He rejected any possibility of resolution other than unconditional surrender. He declared the country to be in a state of emergency. He denied a full Parliamentary debate or approval of his invoking the Emergency Act. He ordered by proxy (make no mistake about that) the police to crush the peaceful protestors with overwhelming and maximum force necessary. That included and we witnessed the unconscionable (let alone dangerous) decision by some gutless subservient commander to send in mounted riot police into throngs of peaceful protestors. 1000 lb horses to powerfully and brutally knock 150 lb Canadians aside or to the ground. To trample underfoot a senior citizen in a mobility chair (and then lie about it).

What say you Canadians? Are you for or against? Choose wisely.
Future generations will sit in judgement.

Ottawa Attorneys “calling on Police to stand with the People” Feb.17, 2022 #irnieracingNews – YouTube

Last edited 2 years ago by BTDT